‘6’=control message, ‘13’=message opened by the recipient (read) Status Message status: ‘0’=received, ‘4’=waiting on the Key_from_me Message direction: ‘0’=incoming, ‘1’=outgoing Key_remote_jid WhatsApp ID of the communication partner Title Title (Mr/Ms/Mrs as set in the contact's profile) Nickname WhatsApp nickname of the contact (as set in their profile)Ĭompany Company (as set in the contact’s profile) Sort_name Name of the contact used in sorting operations Wa_name WhatsApp name of the contact (as set in their profile) Given_name The field value is the same as in display_name for each contact Photo_id_timestamp Contains a timestamp in the Unix Epoch Time (ms) format Thumb_ts Contains a timestamp in the Unix Epoch Time format Photo_ts Contains a timestamp in the Unix Epoch Time format Unseen_msg_count Number of messages sent by the contact that have been
Phone_label Label associated with the phone number Raw_contact_id Sequence number of the contact Number Phone number associated with the contact Status_timestamp Contains a timestamp in the Unix Epoch Time (ms) format
Status Text in the status line of the contact Is_whatsapp_user Contains ’1’ if the contact corresponds to an actual WhatsApp user, ’0’ otherwise Jid WhatsApp ID of the contact (a string structured where ’x’ is the phone number of the _id Sequence number of the record (set by SQLite)